Fardh Wudhu There are four Faraaidh in wudhu:
1. To wash the face from the top of the forehead to below the chin, and from one earlobe to the other once.
2. To wash both arms including the elbows once.
3. Masah:
Hanafi: To make masah of at least a quarter of the head.
Shafi: To make masah of at least 3 strands of hair.
Hambali: To make masah of at least a quarter of the head.
Maliki: To make masah of the whole head
4. To wash both feet including the ankles.
Sunnah Wudhu
There are thirteen Sunnats in Wudhu:
1. To make niyyah (intention).
2. To recite Bismillah.
3. To wash both hands until the wrists thrice.
4. To use the miswaak.
5. To gargle the mouth thrice.
6. To clean the nose thrice by taking water into the nostrils and blowing them out
7. Khilaal of the beard, fingers and toes.
8. To wash each portion thrice.
9. Masah of the whole head once (i.e. passing the wet hands over the head).
10. Masah of both ears.
11. Tarteeb i.e. making Wudhu in the correct order.
12. To wash each part in quick succession (i.e. before the next part dries).
13. To read the Dua after Wudhu.
Mustahabaat (Recommended Actions but not Essential)
There are five Mustahabaat in Wudhu:
1. To begin from the right side.
2. Masah of the nape.
3. To make Wudhu without taking assistance from anyone.
4. To face the Qibla.
5. To sit on a clean, raised place while making Wudhu.